
Common Orthodontic Issues in Children: Early Intervention and Treatment

Orthodontic issues in children are common. Dentists see various issues that can cause concern as the teeth come in. However, early intervention and proper treatment can help ensure your little one has healthier teeth.


Crowding is a term that refers to teeth not having enough room to come in. When there is not ample space for permanent teeth, the permanent teeth do not come in correctly. They may come in crooked or misaligned. This can result in poor self-esteem and oral hygiene. Properly cleaning crowded teeth can be difficult, resulting in cavities. Early intervention may include braces to ensure teeth have plenty of room in the mouth.


Bite issues occur when the upper or lower jaw sticks out further than the other, or does not align properly. This is also referred to as a jaw misalignment. It can cause difficulty chewing or speaking properly. Braces are a standard solution for those under 18 because they bring the teeth and jaw back into alignment. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, about 4 million people nationwide wear braces, with approximately 75% of them being under 18.


This is also commonly called buck teeth. Buck teeth occur when the two front teeth stick out significantly further than the other. It can be the result of several things and must be corrected. When these two teeth stick out, they are more likely to experience dental trauma. This can also drastically impact speech and self-confidence. Treatments can help bring the teeth into proper alignment.


Spacing is the opposite of crowding. It means that there is too much space between the permanent teeth. Food and plaque can get trapped between teeth, leading to cavities and problems like bad breath. It can also make flossing harder because there is more space to floss. Early intervention can ensure that your little one has appropriately aligned teeth that are easier to clean.

Midline Misalignment

This misalignment is when the upper and lower jaw are not correctly aligned. It usually looks like a crooked smile. However, the result can be uneven wear on the teeth because misalignment causes the teeth to chew food differently. It can also make it harder to speak and impact self-esteem. Braces and other treatments from a professional orthodontist can help bring the jaw back into alignment.

We are a professional orthodontist office that can treat patients of all ages. Contact us to schedule your first appointment today!

Four Corners Ortho Team

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