COVID-19 – Operational Update

Please see below for updates on our office procedures. 

Hi everyone: Dr. Herman here.

Great news that the CDC is reducing mask restrictions on people who are fully vaccinated.  I encourage everyone who is not yet vaccinated to consider taking advantage of the opportunity to receive the vaccine against Covid.

The office is a health care facility. As a health care facility, we will continue to maintain the same strict protocols we have established since we reopened on May 25, 2020. This means that at this time, we are not changing our infection control protocols that have kept my patients, visitors and staff safe for almost a year.

I am more optimistic than I have ever been in the past year that we will be returning to a more normal life sooner than later.

We are well prepared to keep patients, visitors and staff safe. I have posted before about what to expect when you arrive on our Facebook page. Please review those posts or call the office if you have any questions or concerns.

See everyone soon: Dr. David Herman and Staff


1) Social distancing: Only patients and, if the patient is a minor, one family member will be allowed entrance. If the patient is over age 10; the person accompanying the minor, with a few exceptions, will only be allowed to stay in the office a few minutes and then will need to exit the building. To follow social distancing, we will also have orthodontic chairs that are not in use. This means that less patients will be seen at the same time in comparison to pre-closure.

2) Face masks: By now everyone should be aware that when in a public building, you need to be wearing a face mask. Any person in our office will be required to have a face mask. If you are being worked on as a patient, you will remove your mask.

3) Health screening: Anyone entering our office will be met at our entrance to undergo 2 screening procedures. First, a staff member will take your digital temperature. Then, we will conduct a brief questionnaire on Covid-19 contact.

4) Act responsibly: I understand that none of my patients or their accompanying visitors want to be a risk to others. To help assist everyone with this responsibility, no one with a temperature over 100 degrees or who has had or been in contact with someone with Covid-19 within the last 14 days will be admitted into the office.

5) No walk-ins. Patients must be scheduled. This includes any family members in active treatment.

6) Please be aware of scheduled appointments and be on time. We are only allowing so many patients in the building at once. Anyone arriving 15 minutes late will have to be rescheduled.

7) Loose or broken brackets can wait until the next appointment or call to schedule an emergency repair appointment.

The staff and I are super excited about being able to see you all again.

See you all soon!

Real Patients, Real Results.