
Patient Experience in Farmington

Posted on April 11, 2017

Question: I was in your office the other day and was surprised to find that you had a lot of patients coming in from places that were two to four hours away, plus your local Albuquerque patients. I know that other orthodontists in town have offices in Gallup and Albuquerque; why don’t you? Answer: I… Read more »

Know Your Options

Posted on April 4, 2017

Question: I had orthodontic treatment with the removal of four healthy teeth behind my canines. My brother had treatment for similar problems but had no teeth extracted. I was not informed by my orthodontist about a non-extraction option. Did he have an obligation to tell me about other options? Answer: Yes, he did. Most states have… Read more »

Cyberbullying About Teeth

Posted on March 28, 2017

Question: My daughter came crying to me last night that some kids were posting on social media about her smile having fangs. One post said that her dad must be Dracula. Is cyberbullying about a person’s smile common? Answer: Cyberbullying on almost anything is a large problem, however, a recent study found that cyberbullying about… Read more »

The Truth About Early Treatment

Posted on March 21, 2017

Question: I read a Facebook post by another orthodontist which stated that early treatment can prevent the need for permanent teeth extractions. As a mom of four children, I have never heard this before. Is this true? Answer: No, this is wishful thinking. There have been multiple studies since this idea was first proposed in… Read more »

Choosing an Orthodontist

Posted on March 14, 2017

Question: When choosing an orthodontic office, why shouldn’t I choose the least expensive? Aren’t all orthodontists and braces the same? Answer: If you view orthodontic health care as a commodity, then yes, you can make your treatment decision solely based on the least expensive care. However, if you want to receive the best results, as… Read more »

Avoiding Extractions

Posted on March 7, 2017

Question: When I started orthodontic treatment for crowding, I made it very clear to my orthodontist that I did not want to have any teeth extracted. Now, nine months into treatment, my doctor is telling me that I need to have some extractions. He claims he never promised me treatment without extractions, only that he… Read more »

New Mexico Dental Health

Posted on February 28, 2017

Question: How does New Mexico’s dental health compare to other states? Answer: The most recent dental health survey was conducted in 2015, and did not place New Mexico on either the best or worst list. The state with the best dental health was Minnesota followed by Wisconsin and Illinois. The state with the worst dental… Read more »

Warning About Belladonna for Teething

Posted on February 21, 2017

Question: I have a teething two-year-old who is not sleeping well at night. My mom recommended giving her a homeopathic teething tablet called Belladonna to help her tolerate the pain. My girlfriend said that that stuff is toxic. Is this true? Answer: Your girlfriend is correct. The FDA published a warning in January not to… Read more »

Loyalty Rewards at Dr. Herman’s

Posted on February 14, 2017

Question: I see that other orthodontists in town give prizes to their patients for participating in in-office games and activities. Does your office do this? Answer: No. I do not give prizes, I give actual credit toward additional treatment. I found that my adult patients, or parents, appreciate a credit that lowers fees over playing… Read more »

Extraneous Teeth Facts

Posted on February 7, 2017

Question: I recently called another orthodontic office and asked the lady answering the phone some questions. One of the questions I asked was if the orthodontist takes out teeth to straighten the other teeth. The lady at that office told me that some people have more teeth than other people and those people need to… Read more »