
Is My Retainer Causing Issues?

Posted on January 31, 2017

Question: Eleven years ago, my orthodontist cemented a wire as a retainer on the back of my lower teeth. I receive a cleaning every six months and always have a report of healthy gums. I like the fact that this retainer keeps my teeth straight, but is it bad to leave this retainer in my mouth for… Read more »

Predicting Amazing Outcomes

Posted on January 24, 2017

Question: I have been following your patient of the week photos on your Facebook page and on your website. It appears that no matter the extremity of the patient’s case you are able to achieve amazing results. I am impressed by the consistency of your results. Are these results easy to predict? Answer: My confidence… Read more »

Financial Flexibility

Posted on January 17, 2017

Question: I have had some financial issues that have caused me to get behind on my payments to another orthodontist. I need to have my son’s braces removed because I can’t afford them at this time. This orthodontist said he won’t remove braces until my bill is paid. What am I to do? Answer: First,… Read more »

Where Traditional Braces Fall Short

Posted on January 10, 2017

Question: I went to an orthodontic consultation and requested a wide smile, similar to the ones you give your patients. The Orthodontist told me that widening a smile was impossible, though I have seen countless photos of your patients with wide smiles. Why would he tell me this is impossible? Answer: Orthodontists who continue to… Read more »

Eliminate Crowding Without Extractions

Posted on January 3, 2017

Question: I have two children who both started orthodontic treatment around the same time. My oldest son lives with his father who took him to an orthodontist who extracted four of his teeth. I took my youngest son to you, and even though both children had a similar pattern of crowding, you did not extract… Read more »

Comparing the H-4 System

Posted on December 27, 2016

Question: I took my 12-year-old daughter to three different orthodontists for an evaluation on her underbite. We chose your practice because we liked your treatment plan, but why did we need to go through three different evaluations? Answer: The recommendation plan given to you depends on the experience of the orthodontist and the system of… Read more »

Best Option for Closing Spaces

Posted on December 20, 2016

Question: My child is missing two lower adult, front teeth. I was provided the option of either closing the space with braces, resulting in my child having a small overbite, or placing dental implants when he turns 16. What is the better option? Answer: The best option is to close the space and have a… Read more »

What is Hypodontia?

Posted on December 13, 2016

Question: My son is missing two lower adult teeth. Is this a common problem? Answer: Hypodontia is the most prevalent tooth disorder in which a person is missing at least one adult tooth, excluding wisdom teeth. The population prevalence is 4%-7% with it being slightly higher in females than males. Hypodontia occurs 49% of the… Read more »

Crooked Teeth and Eye Tracking

Posted on December 6, 2016

Question: I had really crooked teeth and an overbite that affected my level of self-confidence. As a manager of a local retail store, I noticed people would stare at my mouth when they would come in to shop. I think they were noticing how crooked my smile appeared. Now that I have completed orthodontic treatment,… Read more »

Are Braces Affordable? How much do Braces Cost? And Answers to Other Braces Questions.

Posted on November 18, 2016

Question: I like to do my research on the web at night, and on the weekends. Is someone from your office available on your website to chat with me about braces at 11pm on a Saturday? Answer:  Yes! My office has a staff member available to answer all of your questions through an online chat linked to my website…. Read more »