The Differences Between Dentists and Orthodontists

What’s the Difference Between A Dentists and An Orthodontist? All orthodontists are dentists, however, not all dentists are orthodontists. While orthodontists will undergo the same training at first, they then go on to complete additional training after graduating from dental school. This equips them with the knowledge to handle specific issues that standard dentists may … Continued

Could Braces Be the Solution to Your Headaches?

Most people think of adult braces as a way to get a perfectly straight smile. However, something you may not know is that orthodontic treatment can help to control headaches that are caused by misaligned teeth. You read that correctly — your headaches may be caused by your teeth! Correcting crooked teeth can help to … Continued

Adult Braces For More Than Aesthetics

Your Kayenta orthodontist is getting more requests than ever for adult braces. More adults are taking the steps to preserve their natural teeth and straighten their smile. While most people think braces for adults is purely for aesthetics, there are many other reasons to consider braces in Farmington NM. A bright, beautiful, straight smile is … Continued

3 Dental Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Your dental health is just as important as the rest of your body’s health. However, many people ignore these dental warning signs their teeth are trying to show them. In fact, approximately 91% of Americans between the ages of 20 and 64 have at least one cavity. Left untreated, those cavities can have serious consequences. … Continued

4 Factors You Should Consider When Selecting an Orthodontist

The American Association of Orthodontists says that about 4 million Americans are wearing braces today. This makes orthodontic services and orthodontic treatment among the most sought-after health services in the U.S. The good thing is that there are many practicing orthodontists in a city near you, such as Gallup, New Mexico. The most essential part, … Continued

Why Orthodontics Isn’t Something You Should Skimp On

Some people don’t like the idea of going to the orthodontist. But for some, this aversion to orthodontics is more due to misconceptions than actual issues with orthodontists themselves. They might understand the importance of visiting a dental office, but they mistakenly believe that orthodontic care is purely about correcting aesthetic issues. Although everyone wants … Continued

Maximize the Effects of Your Braces with These Great Tips

Metal braces are one of the most convenient orthodontic treatment to enhance an uneven smile and reveal the straight teeth you’ve always dreamed of. They can correct multiple dental imperfections and make an overall stunning and dramatic difference. After all, Dr. Herman is the orthodontist known for results in the Four Corners area. However, braces … Continued

The Benefits of Pitts 21 Braces

The American Association of Orthodontists reports that in the United States, about 4 million people wear braces. Having straight teeth is important for self-esteem and a great smile. Many products on the market promise to give you straight teeth, so how do you choose? A lower-cost system may not give you the results you want … Continued