What Should You Do if a Bracket Breaks?

If you need braces, you need to seek out local orthodontic services. On average, expect to visit the orthodontist every six to ten weeks while you have braces treatment. Unfortunately, with braces, accidents can happen. In other words, you may have a broken bracket. If one of your metal brackets breaks, here are some steps … Continued

5 Long-Term Benefits of Quality Dental Hygiene

Taking care of your teeth and gums is very important. Your teeth are responsible for properly chewing your food and starting the digestion process. Staff at dental offices worldwide tell patients to practice daily oral hygiene, and here are some of the long-term effects of following our advice. 1. Avoid Tooth Decay When you practice … Continued

How to Promote Healthy Dental Habits in Children

The journey toward good oral care must begin even before your child’s first tooth appears. This is the beginning of an exciting relationship with brushing, flossing, and the dentist. To help promote healthy dental habits in your kids as they grow, here are three tips you can use. 1. Show Them How to Brush Properly … Continued

How Do Different Types of Braces Work?

You might think of braces as a one-size-fits-all solution, but that’s far from the case. According to NewsMedical, there are more than 10 different types of braces. Here are some of the most popular adult braces treatment options and how they differ. Metal Braces Metal braces are the traditional option for people who want affordable … Continued

Does Braces Treatment Differ in Children and Adults?

Braces are the most commonly used orthodontic treatment to straighten teeth. Their popularity comes from their ability to work with people of all ages. One of the questions that people often have is whether orthodontic treatment differs in children and adults. There are some differences in the treatment for children and adults when it comes … Continued

Braces Help Fix More Than Most People Think

When people think of braces, they often think of metal brackets that are worn to help straighten the teeth. While this is one of the most popular reasons why child braces are worn, braces can do much more than just that. They can solve a number of dental problems when worn under the supervision of … Continued

How Straight Teeth Can Change Your Life

So, you’ve decided you want to have straight teeth. You’re looking at braces as an option to help you achieve your goal. But what will getting this result do for you? Here are ways that getting those perfect-looking teeth can change your life. It Can Help You With Your Personal Life When you have crooked … Continued

Why People Continue to Procrastinate Their Dental Services

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, it’s estimated that 50% to 75% of US citizens would benefit from receiving comprehensive orthodontic treatment. If it’s been a while since you’ve received dental services or started orthodontic treatment, you’re not alone. Let’s dig a little deeper into a few of the reasons why people continue to … Continued

How Braces Help With Self-Esteem

Having a healthy and beautiful smile can impact your self-esteem. For those with crooked or misaligned teeth, the thought of metal braces can be disheartening. However, taking the time to get traditional braces can give you the straighter teeth you desire, and drastically elevate your self-confidence. Read more to see how much orthodontics can help … Continued

Debunking 5 Common Myths About Braces

Braces are an excellent way to enhance your smile and improve the health of your teeth. According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), the U.S. has more than 4 million people with braces. While braces work well, some people avoid them due to myths and misconceptions. Read on to learn the truth about braces. … Continued