Tag: braces gallup

Fixing an Overbite

Posted on May 23, 2017

Question: I received a plan from an orthodontist to fix my overbite by extracting my top middle tooth and placing screws in my upper jaw to bring my front teeth backward. I do not agree with this plan. What should I do? Answer: I encourage you to get a second opinion. This treatment approach is… Read more »

Braces Removal

Posted on May 16, 2017

Question: I was being treated by an orthodontist who seemed very nice and had great reviews. However, when I got behind on payments and had to end treatment, his staff told me I had been terminated as a patient and needed to get my braces removed elsewhere. Is this refusal to remove my braces a… Read more »

Explaining Justifiable Benefit

Posted on May 9, 2017

Question: Last week an Albuquerque news station had a piece about a dentist who was under investigation due to patient complaints about being treated for non-existing problems. Does this happen in our area? Answer: When a patient changes to a new dentist it can be upsetting when problems are identified, especially when your previous dentist… Read more »

Apple Cider Vinegar for Whitening?

Posted on May 2, 2017

Question: I saw on the internet that people are rinsing with apple cider vinegar to help whiten their teeth. Is this safe and effective? Answer: CNN recently investigated this question and found that people recommend using apple cider vinegar for a variety of reasons, including dental care. However, it should not be used as a… Read more »

Transferring Orthodontists

Posted on April 25, 2017

Question: I know you receive a lot of transfer patients from other offices. Why do patients transfer to your office? Answer: There are several reasons why so many patients transfer to my office. Some reasons include: either the patient wants a wider smile, the previous office refused to work with the patient on financial issues, problems… Read more »

Tooth Fairy Update

Posted on April 18, 2017

Question: How much is the tooth fairy paying these days for baby teeth? Answer: A recent study found that the current average is $4.66 per baby tooth. This is a significant increase of 75 cents over 2015. The study found that more than 200 million dollars were paid out by the tooth fairy and her… Read more »

Patient Experience in Farmington

Posted on April 11, 2017

Question: I was in your office the other day and was surprised to find that you had a lot of patients coming in from places that were two to four hours away, plus your local Albuquerque patients. I know that other orthodontists in town have offices in Gallup and Albuquerque; why don’t you? Answer: I… Read more »

Know Your Options

Posted on April 4, 2017

Question: I had orthodontic treatment with the removal of four healthy teeth behind my canines. My brother had treatment for similar problems but had no teeth extracted. I was not informed by my orthodontist about a non-extraction option. Did he have an obligation to tell me about other options? Answer: Yes, he did. Most states have… Read more »

Dr. Herman discusses Dental Care

Posted on June 29, 2016

Question: I feel bad that I told my dental hygienist that I floss every day, but I hate flossing and only do it 2 or 3 times a week. Is there anything more high-tech than using a string to clean in between my teeth? Answer: Yes, and you have probably heard about it. It is called… Read more »

Braces Questions with Dr. Herman

Posted on June 29, 2016

Question: Is it necessary to get teeth removed to achieve a straight smile and a better bite?  Answer: My experience has been that it’s almost never necessary to remove healthy teeth to get straight smile or an improved bite when using technology like the high-tech H-4 System of Braces. I strongly recommend that a person get a… Read more »